Sport Yoga:
This is a 60 minute mixed level class which incorporates traditional Hatha Yoga postures with a slower vinyasa (flow) between poses. The slower flow makes it a great class for people new to yoga, or for those that are looking for a less physically challenging yoga style than the power yoga class. The class focuses on stretching and strengthening areas of the body that are used frequently in a variety of different sports, including golf, while increasing balance and endurance which is so important not only for golfers and other athletes, but in everyday life. Beginner descriptions and modifications are provided so that all may enjoy the class at their own level. We invite you to come and relax, de-stress, as you increase your flexibility, strength, balance, and endurance, and unite your mind, body, and spirit.
Power Yoga:
This is a 70-80 minute class which incorporates traditional Hatha Yoga postures with a vinyasa flow. This is a physically challenging class, incorporating strength, endurance, cardio, flexibility, and balance. It is a total body workout. The flow is faster and the poses held a bit longer than in the Sport Yoga class, and because the flow is a bit more challenging and the class is longer in duration, some yoga experience is recommended. Taking one or two Sport Yoga or Power Pilates classes should prepare you for the Power class. The class ends with some meditation and relaxation.
Power Pilates:
This class is part Pilates and part Yoga with a vinyasa flow which will keep your heart pumping and really challenges you physically. You will stretch and strengthen your body to create leaner and stronger muscles as well as increase your balance and flexibility. Beginner modifications and instruction are provided, so those new to Pilates or Yoga need not shy away from this class. Class duration: 60 minutes.
Please wear comfortable clothing to class which will allow you to move freely. There is a place to change into your workout clothing if you are coming directly from school/work. Please bring your own towel. You may bring your own mat, or we can provide you with one, although mats are limited. Water is available for sale. Please eat lightly or refrain from eating all together before practicing yoga.