"I love Amy Hanavan and her books! They speak straight to the heart with "energy" concepts that are ancient but infinitely valuable in present times to tap into your inner majesty."
Denise Linn www.deniselinn.com
Author of Sacred Space and The Soul Knows the Truth

"Never before have I read a message so profound and yet so simply and beautifully delivered. The book begins with a fable, a vision of a queen and her prosperous kingdom and teaches us how to treat ourselves and others, as we embrace what makes us unique and use it to honor and inspire those around us. If only all people would read each chapter and apply the lessons to their daily lives, our world might actually become the lovely kingdom described within. Say Yes to Your Majesty will delight and inspire you."
Michelle Girasole, Author of The Sassy Ladies Toolkit for Start-Up Businesses

After I read Amy Hanavan’s Say Yes To Your Majesty for the first time, I was filled with such inspiration and peaceful bliss that I simply had to read it twice more! She has beautifully captured and explained how the universal principles of energy are alive and well within each and every one of us, and that by acknowledging and accepting this royal, feminine power we can indeed change our own lives, one thought at a time, therefore creating a purposeful, loving and creative universe for ourselves as well as those we come in contact with. This book should be a part of every young woman’s library, as well as a staple on every woman’s bookshelf, which can be reached for time and again. It is a powerful reminder of how capable and necessary it is to stay connected to our “Divine Source” so that we can help radiate peace, joy and abundance always.
Cheryl Butler www.cherylbutler.org

I just finished reading Say Yes to Your Majesty, which arrived today. Fantastic book! Amy made ideas accessible in one book that I have read in many books over the years. She did it with her own style. It's believable. It's doable with interesting exercises. Well done all around! This is an excellent message for those new to these ideas, and a truly wonderful reminder for those of us who knew, but forgot under the stress of daily living. I am going to loan my copy to about six friends and tell many more about it.
Kate Phillips, Editor of The North Kingstown View

“Amy Hanavan's teachings and books have truly changed my life. Several years ago I met Amy at a networking function and learned about her book first book The Energy of Success. Soon after purchasing a copy and devouring it I met with her to learn more. Her support and wisdom truly helped me make some dramatic improvements in several areas of my life, that I'd been working on for years. Thanks Amy for being such a delightful influence in my life and the lives of others, seeking to step into our Majesty.”
Michelle Spalding www.VirtualFairyGodmother.com

Amy is really fun to be with. I had a blast and learned about royalty doing art projects with The Queen of Energy.
Emily Spalding (Future Queen, Age 10)

“Amy is a beautiful light that not only talks the talk, but walks the walk. Her faith and trust in God's care and love is inspiring to all who meet her. Amy is passionate about helping women Say Yes to their Majesty and connect with the Power within. Saying Yes to Your Majesty means that you recognize the power you have access to and become responsible for using it wisely. I highly recommend Amy and her book, to anyone on the spiritual path seeking a deeper connection with The Divine.”
Pat Hastings www.simplyawomanoffaith.com

“Amy has always had a special way of describing and explaining the world and what one is feeling and experiencing. She has been an inspiration to me, and my endeavors as my cookbook would never come to fruition if not for her. Thanks Amy for keeping me focused and my energies headed in the right direction !!!!! “
Pamela Lyles www.dacajncritter.com

“When I was introduced to Amy I was already deep into my quest for knowledge on Universal principals about how energy flows and creates our experiences. I had read countless authors on the subject and was even working with a spiritual teacher. I just couldn’t understand why things were not shifting for me, as I was practicing everything I was learning. What Amy’s books and working with Amy personally opened my eyes to was, that I had a very deep seated issue of personal value and worth, and until I addressed that and changed those belief systems, nothing would really ever change. I was the master of having a positive, sunny exterior and thoughts, but ignoring my true emotions. Amy taught me to get in touch with my real emotions, as that is the real work. I am still very much a work in progress, but my life has changed dramatically for the better in ways it never would have without Amy’s influence. Knowing and working with Amy has truly been a gift from God!”
Faye, R. (Orlando, FL)

"Amy Hanavan is one of the most perceptive and solution oriented consultants I have been associated with. She was very instrumental in helping me remodel and design my chiropractic office for patient comfort, staff efficiency and energy enhancement. She is always positive, very insightful and willing to see through the problems to produce workable solutions. Not only that, she makes you feel better just by being around her, her vibrations and energy are definitely in tune with the universe."
Dr. Jim S. Chiropractic Physician (Chalmette, Louisiana)

"Both Amy Hanavan and her book, The Energy of Success, are a testament to the power of our belief systems. Since I met Amy nearly 14 years ago, she has inspired me. Now, her book also serves as inspiration. She is able to take concepts that may have seemed beyond one's reach, and translate them into a practical form we can all understand and apply to our lives immediately. She helps you achieve lasting success, because it comes from the inside-out. I highly recommend this book."
Courtney Armstrong, LPC/MHSP (Tennessee)

“After reading Amy’ s book, The Energy of Success, I WOKE UP!... It has enabled me to focus on my own creative energy and lay out a blue print for success and happiness that is "Right here, right now"... Thanks you so much Amy.
K. BarCley Young, Screenwriter (Orlando, FL, Los Angeles, CA)

“This is A Must Read For Every Success- Oriented Woman. Amy Hanavan has written a gem - the secret of success for the 21st Century Woman. The book emphasizes that we use but a small portion of our potential and The Energy of Success shows the reader how to tap into and use maximum energy in daily life to achieve one's goals. As a host of a talk show for women I am constantly queried on how to achieve and find success in today's business world - Amy Hanavan has the answers and she's most willing to share them.”
Hon Peter J. Murphy, Radio Talk Show Host of Women Are Talking (Melbourne, Florida)

"Success comes without question to Amy Hanavan now. It hasn't always been that way. As a child and young adult, Amy experienced more than her share of problems. But in studying and integrating a variety of success principles, Amy now lives a fulfilling and joyful life. This book shares her secret: that we all have an internal power source that guides us every step of the way. We need only stop, listen to our intuition, and know that the answer we hear will "feel right" and will lead us to our highest good, be that in work, relationships, family, or fun. This is The Energy of Success. And it works!"
Donna Mosher (Texas)

"As we go through life, we have times when we know we are not in sync with what we want. A few years ago, when I found myself in this no win zone, I immediately remembered The Energy of Success and I knew I must revisit the book to capture my ability to move forward in my life. Amy Hanavan and her work have given me the positive and uplifting momentum I needed, so I could use my natural energy to focus on what I want and be successful."
Marlene Spiegel (Orlando, Florida)

"Amy always offers me great hope and inspiration during my dark night of the soul. Having read both of her books, I will admit, that I had not related my life to energy, nor had I ever considered myself a Queen. Since that time, I have become very aware of the possibilities that life has to offer and that creating joy, love, compassion and power must come from within. Amy has a way of communicating on a level that my heart and soul understands. She offers practical advice on how to accomplish those tasks and always allows you to know that she, too, has lived though the dark that we must continue to reach for the light no matter what. She has helped me hold on, continue on through the fear, follow my heart, to use positive energy to create and to stand strong even when everything seems like "What's the use…" Amy has helped me to believe and trust that life will bloom again and has helped me to align with the divine purpose I was created to fulfill. I know with a big "K" that I am loved and supported. Thank you Amy for sharing of your love, compassion, energy and Majesty.
Dawn Clay (Pennsylvania)

"Amy Hanavan has written a book that is astute in its simplicity. Amy's honest look at her life and the recognition that we can move beyond any situation that we have experienced is truly insightful. Her understanding of the Universal energy that is available to us all, and her ability to communicate that to the reader in an easy to understand and practical manner is a gift. I highly recommend this book!"
Laura Morgan (Dallas, Texas)

“I wanted to say thank you again for being a guest on my radio show, it was such an enlightening episode. I have also had requests to have you on again, as many of our listeners learned so much from your topic. We have received many positive comments about you. You are truly a gem in the crown!”
Kerry Heaps (Orlando, FL)