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![]() The Royal Code Of Amyville 1. Stay Connected To Nature. Live in alignment with nature and the natural order. Humanity has the same creative power and majesty that nature does and our task is to learn how to “go with the flow,” and live in harmony with the cycles, seasons and rhythms of life. Always remember that you plant a seed in darkness because it triggers its inherent capacity to reach for the light and grow. When you find yourself surrounded by darkness in your life that is what you must do. Be willing to “reach for the light,” because that is how you grow.2. Remember The Rules of The Kingdom In Which You Live. 3. Remember Who You Really Are The essence of who you are is a spark of The Divine, and that is the true source of your power. Saying Yes to Your Majesty is about connecting with that source of light inside of you and using it to create love, hope and inspiration in the world outside of you.4. Remember That You Are Loved and Your Presence Matters. There is a loving and benevolent source of creation that is seeking to assist you in every moment in time. Develop a personal relationship with The Divine force of the Universe, because that is the key to discovering joy and practicing unconditional love. Consider The Butterfly Effect in everything you think, feel and do. If the gentle flutter of a butterfly’s wings can alter weather patterns all over the planet, just imagine what your presence can do when you Say Yes to Your Majesty and let your light shine.5. Accept That Life Is Eternal. Everything goes through the cycles of birth, growth, death and transformation. Everything in nature ultimately gives up its form in order to serve a larger system and meet a higher need. Learn to embrace change and allow yourself, and your life, to transform as needed. Recognize that all change has the potential to benefit you and those in the world around you.6. Align With Your Feminine Essence. Embrace what makes you uniquely feminine. Let Yourself Sparkle, Radiate and Glow! BE LOVE. Connect with others and nurture your relationships. Give birth and create. Remember that you can never separate feminine energy from masculine energy because one creates the other. Since they were divinely designed to work in harmony with one another, learn to use both expressions of your power in ways that are harmonious for you and the world around you.7. Be Still, and Breathe Deeply. Physiologically, you cannot maintain a state of stress in your body if you are breathing deeply. Learn to meditate. Every day, take time for yourself and quiet your mind. Open your heart and breathe from deep inside your lower abdomen.8. Be As Gentle, Kind and Compassionate As You Can Possibly Be. The world needs love and kindness. Always remember that whatever you see or encounter in the world outside of you, is simply a reflection of the world inside of you. Offer benevolence, look for the good in whatever you experience, and become the change you wish to see in the world.9. Forgive Yourself and Others. When you forgive yourself or someone else, you create a space that enables you to “Bring in The Divine.” Practicing forgiveness is what enables you to let go of anger, restore peace and receive healing. Forgiveness is a gift you give to your self, so be generous and offer other people the benefit of the doubt. When you find yourself in the middle of something that you really don’t want to experience, extend that same courtesy to yourself. Take responsibility for your life but never use the idea that “you create your own reality,” to beat yourself up, or judge others for where they are. Instead, use this concept as a way of receiving feedback as to what you have been focusing your attention on and investing your energy in. Then, do your best to create a new train of thought that transports you in a different direction.10. Create Beauty, and “Delight The World!” Beauty can connect you with the light of The Divine, so look for the beauty in every moment of time. Leave our planet Earth a more beautiful place for having lived on it. Create gardens and plant trees. Radiate your Majesty and be a source of light in the world wherever you go.11. Create a Sacred Space (Inside and Outside of You). Create an environment that supports what you are trying to achieve. Remember that “Energy stagnates where clutter accumulates, and clutter accumulates where energy stagnates.” Let go of anything you do not need, use or love. Find a place in your home that you can define as your “Sacred Space.” Use it to relax and do the inner work that is necessary for the process of transformation to occur. Commit to uncovering the limiting beliefs you have inherited about who you are, and what you are capable of. Create an environment for other women to gather together in, so that you can support one another in this process.12. Recognize That Even Her Royal Majesty Can Have a Bad Day! The only way you ever learn anything is to practice it. Saying Yes to Your Majesty is a way of life, so commit to practicing what you preach. Learn to accept your failures with grace and be willing to Begin Again. Keep in mind this Royal Secret, which has been passed down throughout the ages… The greatest way for you to “profit“ usually comes from what you have learned from your own life experience. Often, this wisdom become a gift you offer the world, which others will value and reward you for (and profit from as well).13. Cultivate a Sense of Humor. Laughter is the very best medicine, so do your best to find the humor and laugh as much as possible (this includes laughing at your self). The relief of humor frees you up to surrender, and opens a way for a new and better solution to make its way into your experience. Use your humor to uplift and “be fun,” never to “make fun” of others. Smile at people you don’t even know. This will make them smile too.14. Respect Divine Timing. Every season has its time. When you encounter delays and setbacks in your life, learn to accept that there is a divine wisdom inherent in all things. Sometimes what seems to “take too long to manifest” is actually a blessing in disguise. Seek the Divine Order in all aspects of your life experience, and simply expect that whatever occurs has the potential to be good for you, and those around you.15. Look For The Signs. The Universe is constantly sending you messages to let you know that you are loved and that assistance is all around you. Synchronicities and serendipitous events happen every day. Pay attention. Listen and Look for The Signs!16. Live In Community, and Remember That “It Takes A Village.” Reach out to connect with and support the other women in your life. Part of Saying Yes to Your Majesty and embracing your feminine power, is accepting that we must help each other to raise our children. This includes respecting the wisdom of our ancestors and the elder females in our life. We must also be mindful of the messages we are passing on to our younger generations (Future Queens), because they are absorbing these beliefs and will act upon them over time.17. You Are An Organic Being. Embrace Sustainability In All Of Life. Do your best to live as organic a life as possible. Use less chemicals and recycle. Respect the Earth and consider our planet in your every thought, word and deed. Your mind is the most powerful “natural resource” you have, and only you determine how it is used. Invest the energy of your thoughts and emotions wisely, and in a way that generates a positive return for you and the world around you. Remember that everything in nature is formed by networks that collaborate and co–create with one another. Build new paradigms that focus on synthesis, relationships and community, instead of dominance and competition.18. Redefine “Success” as “An Internal State of Being.” Begin to value “being who you are,” instead of defining yourself by what you “do, achieve and create.” Never allow anyone else to define success for you. Find the courage to define success as that which brings you joy, and only measure it a by your sense of awareness and alignment with who you are on the inside.19. Practice The Art of Appreciation, and Experience Pleasure. Do your best to appreciate whatever you can about where you are. You get what you focus on, so the more you appreciate your life, the more that goodness will expand and make its way into your life. Give yourself permission to experience pleasure, because in the moment that you do, you perceive your life through the eyes of The Divine. Keep A Gratitude Journal and/or A Pleasure Journal, and take a few minutes every day to record what you appreciate and what brings you pleasure.20. Keep Your Cup Full, and Give from Abundance. You have nothing to give if you are depleted and exhausted by serving others. Do your best to stay “in the flow” and replenish yourself. Then, fill your cup to overflowing. Take the time to listen to how you are feeling, before you respond and say “Yes” to something that is asked of you. Learn to honor the wisdom inside of you, so that you can truly give from abundance.21. Learn HOW To Receive. Women have struggled with “learning how to receive” for centuries. If you cannot receive, then you have nothing to give. You have to accept that you are worthy to receive, and be aware that your net worth and your self worth are intimately connected. Your finances and income are a reflection of your ability to receive, how worthy you feel about your right to nurture and provide for your needs, as well as your relationship with The Divine and what you believe, about its ability to provide for you. In order to live an abundant life, you must learn to receive. Often, this requires surrendering and letting go what you are holding onto, so that you can then receive what you truly desire.22. Be Authentic, and Have The Courage To Seek Assistance. BE who you are. BE willing to ask for help when you need it. Authenticity gifts you with a freedom from caring what other people think of you, and this leads to self-acceptance. Being vulnerable is a sign of spiritual strength not weakness, because when you are vulnerable, your heart is open and you have compassion and empathy for other people’s suffering. While it is true that being vulnerable means others can hurt you, being vulnerable also means you can love more deeply and experience more ecstasy and joy.23. Lead With Your Heart, and Practice Unconditional Love. Remember that “What you resist…persists!” (You get what you focus on whether you want it or not). Practice non-resistance and learn to allow all things because that is how you offer unconditional love and acceptance. Develop your own “inner authority,” which enables you to march to your own drummer and lead with an open heart.24. Be A Channel For Divine Love To Flow Through. Do your best to BE LOVE, regardless of the people or conditions that may surround you. Think of yourself as a channel that Divine Light and Love can express itself through. Do the inner work that is necessary in order to clear anything blocking your ability to allow this love and light to flow to you and through you.25. Resolve Your “Unfinished Business” Be willing to identify and resolve the resistance or unfinished business you have with your mother, or any of the significant women in your life. Discover the limiting beliefs you may have inherited from them (which are often unconscious) because they inhibit your ability to align with your feminine essence, radiate your Majesty, and receive your Divine Inheritance. Surround yourself with other women who share your commitment to doing this, so that you can support one another in this process.26. You Were Born to Wear a Crown and Carry a Scepter! Learn to think of the dark moments in your life as “diamonds in the rough.” Remember that a diamond is created from enormous heat and pressure deep inside the Earth, and when it is first discovered, it often looks rather dull and unimpressive. You have to appreciate this gem for its potential value and be willing to polish it for a very long time. The same is true for the dark moments of your life. They have to be polished and appreciated for their potential value, until eventually, they become a jewel in your crown, which you can then wear with great pride. Regardless of what century you live in, your Crown and Scepter are symbols of all that is beautiful and precious inside of you. Since you carry your scepter in your hand, and your hand is an extension of your heart, your scepter serves to remind you that everything you do in the world around you, should flow from the energy of love in your heart…Back to Main Site... |