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The Rules Of The Kingdom

There are some universal principles of energy that are true no matter what time and place you were born into. Here is what you need to remember. The essence of who you are and everything around you is energy. There are some specific, consistent and constant ways in which energy moves and behaves. In order to Say Yes to Your Majesty you must remain aware of these 15 universal principles of energy because they govern the world we live in. Think of them as The Rules of Your Kingdom.

Rule Number One:

You live in and are part of a universe that is made up of creative and magnetic energy.

Rule Number Two:

Every particle of energy if vibrating and the speed with which it vibrates is its frequency. You are already an expert on frequencies because you know that in order to tune into your favorite radio station, you must tune into the exact frequency it is being broadcast from. Your life is similar to a radio station in that the frequencies you emit determine what you receive back into your experience.

Rule Number Three:

Every particle of energy is magnetic and has the ability to attract what it is seeking ( and radiating). This is the most important principle of energy to remember. Like Attracts Like.

Rule Number Four:

Every particle of energy is seeking to expand and change form, so nothing is ever fixed or constant, no matter how tangible or solid it may seem. All energy transforms and becomes something else. This is what insures that every particle of energy has the infinite potential to expand and evolve.

Rule Number Five:

You can never separate the tangible world of energy that you can see and touch from the intangible world of energy that created it.

Rule Number Six:

You are already an expert at interpreting the world of energy through your senses. You see the energy of color, hear the energy of sound, taste the energy of certain foods, smell the energy of different scents, and feel the energy of different materials.

Rule Number Seven:

Your thoughts are a powerful form of creative and magnetic energy that you interpret by the way they make you feel. Each one of your thoughts is broadcasting a specific frequency out into the universe.

Rule Number Eight:

Your emotions are another form of creative and magnetic energy. They give you feedback on what you are thinking and therefore, focusing your attention on. You interpret your thoughts by how they make you feel. Every emotion is E (energy) in motion, and it is broadcasting a specific frequency.

Rule Number Nine:

Your ability to focus the creative and magnetic energy of your thoughts and emotions determines the creative power you have over your life. The frequencies that your thoughts and emotions emit, determine what you attract and receive back into your experience. What you focus on expands and magnetically attracts more energy to itself. Always remember that Like Attracts Like. The energy of your thoughts and emotions attract other thoughts and emotions that vibrate at similar frequencies.

Rule Number Ten:

Every thought you have ever had exists forever. Over time, your thoughts are cataloged by the frequencies that they emit. When you focus on a particular thought it magnetically attracts to itself more thoughts with similar frequencies. (Like Attracts Like). The more you focus on these thoughts, the more energy begins to coalesce, and it becomes a thought-form. Eventually, over time, a critical mass begins to form. This is the point in which a thought has amassed enough creative power that it leaves the invisible and intangible world of energy, and manifests into the tangible world in a form that you can see, touch, and relate to.

Rule Number Eleven:

The process of creation is always the same. Everything that exists begins as one thought, which is focused upon and moves through this universal process of desire, attraction, focus and manifestation.

Rule Number Twelve:

You are born with an internal operating system inside of you that powers and sustains your life. Much like the internal operating system of a computer that enables you to perform tasks and achieve your goals, the internal operating system inside of you enables you to tap into the creative power and majesty that is stored inside of you, and use it to achieve your personal and professional goals. It is like the cells of your body in that it naturally evolves and upgrades itself to keep you functioning, and it enables you to magnetically attract whatever you need or desire. Your internal operating system is made up of the energy of your thoughts, the energy of your emotions, your innate ability to focus, and the energy of your intuition. All of these work in tandem with one another so that you can create whatever it is that you desire. (To understand this process more fully, consult The Energy of Success: Discover the True Nature of Your Power, by Amy Hanavan, M.S.W.)

Rule Number Thirteen:

As with any computer system, the software programs that you run on the internal operating system inside of you, determine how you use your creative power and Say Yes to Your Majesty. The software programs that you run on your internal operating system are the thoughts that you think on a regular basis. Over time these thoughts create the beliefs systems that you hold. Your belief systems are energetic patterns that determine what you “think” is possible for you to achieve and create. They are actually just a set of thoughts that you have allowed to amass a lot of pulling power in your life. Your belief systems are often what keep you from feeling the true nature of your power. It is absolutely essential that you examine what you think, feel and subsequently believe, about every aspect of your life and the world around you. What you believe about yourself, the universe, and what you are capable of, will determine if you feel that you are a servant and subject to the will of others, or that you are indeed aligned with the sovereign power in your universe.

Rule Number Fourteen:

Once you become familiar with these universal principles of energy, you can use the energy of your thoughts and emotions to tune into the frequency of The Divine, because that is the true source of your creative power. The purpose of applying these principles of energy to your life, is to give you the tools you need to restore your awareness and relationship with The Divine. Once you reconnect with this creative energy of love and light (however you personally define it) then you can become a channel for the source of all creation to flow to and through. You will have learned how to practice non-resistance and offer unconditional love to the world, and that is what makes you truly powerful.

Rule Number Fifteen:

The energy of nature is the perfect model for understanding how to use your creative power. Nature serves the Divine Design and maintains the eternal cycles of life, death, growth and transformation. Since you are part of nature and the natural order, you have the same creative power, beauty and majesty that nature does, but you must be willing to learn to live in alignment with the natural order and “go with the flow.” Anything you need to know about your true nature, you can learn from a rose. A rose is a perfect example of love and beauty, as it reaches for the light and radiates its majesty for all to benefit from. Be like a rose. Reach for the light, and let your natural beauty be a source of majesty for the world to enjoy.

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