
I have been working and accomplishing many goals as an artist since I began in the early eighties. My work has consisted of collage painting, wall hangings, relief and collagraph prints. I have used “household debris” such as egg cartons, meat packaging, paper potato sacks, net onion bags, ladies stockings etc. Combining these bits and pieces with other methods, I heighten the surface and texture of my work.
My art forms are spatial and reflect my view of yesteryear and also the future. Through my exploration, I have found a process of printmaking by manipulating my debris with a select choice of color and shapes. It has been an exciting journey because I have been able to use collage material in an effective way that creates abstract expressions. It is my own form of “print painting.”
In the last five years I have discovered the art of printmaking, using this medium to develop and enhance my aesthetic ideas.
By doing print upon print, I feel I have found my own voice to create abstract expressions.
-Stella Corley, 2007.