Every woman has a majestic Queen inside of her that is longing to reign in her life! I want to show you how to Say Yes to Your Majesty so that you can use the feminine power inside of you, to be a source of love and light in the world outside of you.

Since Your Life is Your Kingdom, how you choose to express your Majesty is completely up to you, but part of learning how to do this, is creating A Royal Code to live by, which lets your light shine.

Now, I know that sometimes, it isn’t all that easy to connect with the Queen inside of you… So please remember, that even Her Royal Majesty is entitled to a bad day once in a while!

If you ever find yourself having one of those days, then you are always invited to visit me here, because every Queen needs a place where she can go to refresh and fill her cup. In fact, creating that place for you is part of The Royal Code of Amyville.

Nothing brings me more pleasure than to create an environment for women to gather in, that enables us to connect with one another, embrace our Majesty and fill our cups with love, laughter, beauty, grace and of course, Delight!